Friday, December 29, 2006

18-Month Update

Well, first off, for everyone who happens to visit this blog, we just want to say Happy Holidays!!! Things have been hectic, so we apologize for slacking with the updates, but promise plenty of pictures in the next several days. As to Zane’s latest checkup, not much has changed except his height, which is at least something. Anyways, as always, the latest stats are below and we’ve also included a list of words that Zane has managed to learn thus far. Enjoy the upcoming photos and have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

Height: 34 inches
Weight: 24lbs, 6oz
Head Circ.: 19 1/2 inches

Words learned so far:

Cat, Dog, rabbit, buffalo, tweet (bird), bear, turtle, Elmo
Bathtime, night night, bless you, outside
Hello, bye, move, up, down, No, uh-oh, more
Pancake, chapo, eggs, juice, cracker, banana, drink, book
Mama, dada, cucu (Grandma in Kikuyu), uncle


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Esther said...

He is growing and such an amazing learner. I miss watching him do that. Hope his next new word will be tata!


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